VIP Speakers Network
Where Amazing Speakers and Global Promoters Connect !

TOLL FREE: 1-866-238-5920

Some of the People We Serve


As an executive coach, you only are going to find clients when they know about you and your expertise. Getting booked to speak is essential to growing your business and your income.

Event Organizers

There are hundreds of details in organizing an event and you don't want to worry about whether you can find an appropriate relevant speaker. Use this site to find the type of speaker that is a perfect fit for your event.

Internet Marketers

You can have the greatest software or the most valuable information around, but if no one knows about it, your business is dead. Getting speaking engagements will spread the word faster and also provide a platform for you to sell high-ticket items.

Aspiring Speakers

If you are just starting out on the speaking circuit, it is often difficult to get bookings on your own. We give you the credibility to gain the experience to become a well-known speaker.